Research Topic: Can ICT be used effectively in the classroom?

Blog post based on article:

Kajee (2004) Making waves, not just surfing the net: ICT and learning in the ESL Classroom.

This article is about a study done in a south African university which looks the use of computers and then the Internet and email. It is looking at the ways adults learn differently from children. While this may not seem relevant for someone training to be a school teacher- I think understanding how we learn as adult teachers is as important as how our students learn. It is also important to see and understand the differences. One of the points for how adults learn differently is that they have the motivation to learn. They are not forced to be there. This is the approach teachers need to take in learning about ICT. If they don’t embrace the learning they won’t enjoy it and therefore won’t engage- just like students.

The articles looks at the idea of ‘self concept’ which adult learners possess. It claims that adult learners ‘display a particular self-concept, which ranges from dependence to self- direction, or self directed learning. ‘ I think that with more use of self directed learning, which is a move from traditional teaching methods, adults/teachers can learn new skills but why not also practice these lessons of self directed learning for their students – it may also help with engagement of child students and  adult teachers alike. While like with so many aspects of teaching we have to find a balance- one where students are encouraged to self- direct but also are able to get assistance and structure when they need it.